I've begun researching my family tree, well, I should say, I'm picking it back up. The first time I attempted it, was four years ago and I spent a seriously, concentrated, month, compiling everything I could until Ancestry.com wanted to charge me for another month. This time around, I've paid for six months so I can go a little slower.
I've discovered some amazing stuff in my long, family line. My family goes back to the United States well into the 1600's. I hope to find someone that looks like me on the Santa Maria, but I'd settle for the Nina or Pinta, even though I imagined those to be much slower than the regally named, Santa Maria!
Also, my bloodline is 80% English/Welsh/Dutch. This makes sense because that's what floated on the three ships to the new world. This also makes sense because I've always loved and emulated the English, dry sense of humor. I've never met a sarcastic comment I didn't like or couldn't say.
Right now, I'm really researching, Brigadier General William Washington Russell II, my 5th Great Grandfather and Revolutionary War Hero. Yes, my family abandoned their allegiance to the King for the new homeland and became coffee drinkers.
This guy, the Brigadier General, or, Gramps, was unbelievable! He lead in so many battles and skirmishes and built a fort to protect others during the Indian War. He was even a prisoner of war and traded for other prisoners.
So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, how the hell am I going to live up to my 5th Grandfather's legacy? Look at the guys sideburns in his picture, are you kidding me? I've never had sideburns that beautiful.
I'm going to get back to it. I'm hoping to find some skeletons. Maybe he was a gambler, or, maybe he was cruel to animals.
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