The Lost Oscar 100 Words

I recently got into writing "Micro Fiction", and I won a November competition for a 100 word story. It had to be 100 words exactly, no more, no less.

I'm really excited to share it with you - here's the link to the results of the contest:

Here is the actual story. The theme of which was, "Silence isn't quite golden" The rules of the contest is that it has to be exactly 100 words, no more, no less.

The Lost Oscar


Douglas Goodrich

She always sits in the same seat every day, looking out at the large oak tree, outside the recreation room’s bay window. Gorgeous in her old age. 
Margarette Felton is how she was known in Hollywood. Daisy Hinkler is how she grew up in Paris, Texas. Before the spoken words on screen, she was a goddess. Commanding a thousand dollars a week when others worked in sweatshops for a quarter of the salary.

But the elusive Oscar is what haunts her still today. She never won the gold. If only she’d have transitioned to the talkies, but silently she mourns.
